Reality is noisy.
Whenever a value is measured, there will be some error introduced by the capture, transmission, etc.
In exercise 1, we saw code like this:
signal = np.sin(input_range) noise = np.random.normal(0, 0.15, N_SAMPLES) measurements = signal + noise
This is probably a good way to think of measured values:
\[ \mathit{measured\_value} = \mathit{true\_value} + \mathit{noise}\,. \]We want the true value, but get the noise too.
The result is that you get values that are (hopefully) close to reality, but not exactly.
We're generally interested in The Truth™.
There are several algorithms to help remove noise from a signal, and get as close to the truth as possible.
This is signal processing, and these are filtering algorithms.
Remember that the goal isn't to make a smooth curve. That's easy. e.g. with stats.linregress
We're trying to uncover the true values with as little error as possible.
LOESS or LOWESS smoothing (LOcally WEighted Scatterplot Smoothing) is a technique to smooth a curve, thus removing the effects of noise.
The basic operation of LOESS:
But that should really be animated: an animation of LOESS smoothing with different data fractions from Creating a LOESS animation with gganimate.
The only decision we have to make is how big a local neighbourhood
we're going to look at for each local regression.
Small fraction: sensitive to noise in that small region.
Large fraction: won't respond as the signal changes.
On the sample data with different fractions:
LOESS is great if you have lots of samples. If your data is sparse, it doesn't have much to work with:
We saw in Exercise 1: there is a LOESS function in scipy
from statsmodels.nonparametric.smoothers_lowess import lowess filtered = lowess(measurements, input_range, frac=0.05)
Note: parameters are \(y\) values then \(x\), unlike most functions. Returns a 2D array of \((x,y)\) values.
plt.plot(filtered[:, 0], filtered[:, 1], 'r-', linewidth=3)
tl;dr… LOESS smoothing is easy to work with: only one parameter to get right. It's better when it has lots of data to work with.
But it's about smoothing the curve, not exactly finding the true
signal. Those are often similar, but not always perfectly identical.
You probably know more about your data than just the measurements. You know about the process that's creating them.
Kalman filtering is designed to let you express what you know. It predicts the most likely value for the truth
given your assumptions.
You likely have some (incomplete) knowledge of how the data will be changing. You hopefully know:
nextvalue, given the current value.
A refresher on probability distributions…
Distributions have a mean (or expected value) usually called \(\mu\).
… and a standard deviation, usually called \(\sigma\). The variance is \(\sigma^2\).
We are assuming here that our noise follows a normal distribution: it is Gaussian noise.
We hope \(\mu\) is the truth
(i.e. that there is no bias in the sensor). The \(\sigma\) says something about how much noise we're getting.
The range from \(\mu-\sigma\) to \(\mu+\sigma\) should contain around 68% of the observations.
The covariance of two variables says something about how their values relate.
If the value of one is related to the other, they will have a non-zero covariance. Change in the same direction: positive covariance. Opposite direction: negative covariance.
A Kalman filter works with two things: our observations and our prediction of what we expect to happen (the prior). The difference between both of these and the truth are assumed to be normally distributed.
The filter the most likely true value given these distributions.
For example… We get a sensor reading of \(5.0\) and the sensor has \(\sigma=2.0\) (variance \(\sigma^2=4.0\)), then truth
should have this distribution:
We're also going to predict what the value will be, based on our knowledge of the world. Suppose we predicted \(x=8.0\) but are uncertain enough to say \(\sigma=5.0\) (\(\sigma^2=25.0\)). Then the world looks like:
The product
of these distributions gives our best guess about reality:
We predict the most likely outcome: the mean of the product distribution is 5.79.
We're going to be observing several things about the world over time. At time step \(k\), call the true state \(\vec{x}_k\).
Kalman filtering asks us to predict the next state. We will call our estimate of the state \(\hat{x}_k\).
The big question: given (the filter's best guess for) \(\hat{x}_{k-1}\), what do you think \(\hat{x}_k\) will be?
Suppose we have two values: position and velocity. Our values are \(\vec{x}_k = \left[\begin{smallmatrix} p_k \\ v_k \end{smallmatrix}\right]\).
Because we know how velocity works, we can predict the new position quite well. Our guess for the next velocity is less clear: we'll guess it doesn't change.
\[ \begin{align*} p_k &= p_{k-1} + \Delta t \cdot v_{k-1} \\ v_k &= v_{k-1} \\ \end{align*} \]Or as a matrix operation,
\[ \begin{align*} \hat{x}_{k} &= \left[\begin{smallmatrix} p_k \\ v_k \end{smallmatrix}\right] = \left[\begin{smallmatrix} p_{k-1} + \Delta t \cdot v_{k-1} \\ v_{k-1} \end{smallmatrix}\right] \\ &= \left[\begin{smallmatrix} 1 & \Delta t \\ 0 & 1 \end{smallmatrix}\right] \left[\begin{smallmatrix} p_{k-1} \\ v_{k-1} \end{smallmatrix}\right] = \left[\begin{smallmatrix} 1 & \Delta t \\ 0 & 1 \end{smallmatrix}\right] \hat{x}_{k-1}\,. \end{align*} \]Call that matrix the transition matrix, \(\mathbf{F}_k\). Our prediction will be
\[ \hat{x}_{k} = \mathbf{F}_k \hat{x}_{k-1} \,. \]In this example,
\[ \mathbf{F}_k = \left[\begin{smallmatrix} 1 & \Delta t \\ 0 & 1 \end{smallmatrix}\right] \,. \]The transition matrix lets us express \(\hat{x}_{k}\) as any linear combination of the values in \(\hat{x}_{k-1}\).
The identity matrix \(\mathbf{F}_k = I_n\) predicts everything will stay the same
. Sometimes that's the best we can do. For three variables, that will be:
e.g. If we predict first variable doubles; second variable is the sum of the two
, we get this prediction:
Which implies this transition matrix:
\[ \mathbf{F}_k = \left[\begin{smallmatrix} 2 & 0 \\ 1 & 1 \end{smallmatrix}\right] \]We need to give variance values for both our prediction and for our measurements.
Since we have multiple variables, we need to give variances for each, as well as covariances between each pair.
Variances are specified with (symmetric) \(n\times n\) matrices: entries are \(\Sigma_{jk}\), the covariance between variables \(j\) and \(k\) (\(\Sigma_{kk}\) is the variance of variable \(k\)).
e.g. three variables have \(\sigma\) (standard deviation) values 0.1, 0.2, 0.001; they are not correlated.
\[ \left[\begin{smallmatrix} 0.1^2 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0.2^2 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0.001^2 \end{smallmatrix}\right] \]We need these matricies for both the observations (measurements), often called \(\mathbf{R}\), and for our predictions, often \(\mathbf{Q}\).
The covariance matricies express our uncertainty in the measurements and predictions (relative to The Truth). i.e using
\[ \mathbf{R} = \left[\begin{smallmatrix} 0.3^2 & 0 \\ 0 & 0.9^2 \end{smallmatrix}\right] \]… says that we think our measurement for the first variable is usually
within 0.3 units of the true value. Or if this was the \(\mathbf{Q}\), that our prediction is usually
within 0.3 of the truth.
As with everything else, there's a Python library for that. We'll use pykalman to do the arithmetic for us.
It's not included in SciPy or Anaconda: you'll need to install it with pip (or conda or pipenv or …).
You can download a notebook with Kalman example that follows…
Let's make some noise(-y data):
n_samples = 25 input_range = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, n_samples, dtype=np.float) observations = pd.DataFrame() observations['sin'] = (np.sin(input_range) + np.random.normal(0, 0.5, n_samples)) observations['cos'] = (np.cos(input_range) + np.random.normal(0, 0.25, n_samples))
Note the cheating: we know exactly the error on the measurements
because we added the noise explicitly.
There's not much signal left:
Aside: LOESS smoothing does surprisingly well, but still far from The Truth.
We can tell a Kalman filter a bunch of stuff we know about the world.
We can do a good job guessing initial values (default is all-0) and we definitely know the covariance matrix.
from pykalman import KalmanFilter initial_value_guess = observations.iloc[0] observation_covariance = np.diag([0.5, 0.25]) ** 2
Guessed initial values: the first observations for each variable. Estimated sensor error: the values we know becase we saw the data being generated.
And create the filter and use it…
kf = KalmanFilter( initial_state_mean=initial_value_guess, initial_state_covariance=observation_covariance, observation_covariance=observation_covariance ) pred_state, state_cov = kf.smooth(observations)
The results are… disappointing.
But, we haven't made any attempt to predict. We're accepting the defaults (everything stays the same; variance of 1; covariance 0), which aren't good for our problem.
We know some trigonometry identities:
\[ \tfrac{d}{dx}\sin(x) = \cos(x) \\ \tfrac{d}{dx}\cos(x) = -\sin(x) \]… which imply that
\[ \sin(x + \Delta x) ≈ \sin(x) + \Delta x \cos(x) \\ \cos(x + \Delta x) ≈ \cos(x) - \Delta x \sin(x) \\ \]Or expressed in matrix form:
\[ \left[\begin{smallmatrix} \sin(x + \Delta x) \\ \cos(x + \Delta x) \end{smallmatrix}\right] ≈ \left[\begin{smallmatrix} 1 & \Delta x \\ -\Delta x & 1 \end{smallmatrix}\right] \left[\begin{smallmatrix} \sin(x) \\ \cos(x) \end{smallmatrix}\right] \]Since we know how things are changing, we can come up with a good transition matrix: \( \mathbf{F}_k = \left[\begin{smallmatrix} 1 & \Delta x \\ -\Delta x & 1\end{smallmatrix}\right] \)
delta_x = np.pi * 2 / n_samples transition_matrix = [[1, delta_x], [-delta_x, 1]]
What's the standard deviation on those predictions? They're mathematical identities, so 0? Small?
transition_covariance = np.diag([0.2, 0.2]) ** 2 kf = KalmanFilter( initial_state_mean=initial_value_guess, initial_state_covariance=observation_covariance, observation_covariance=observation_covariance, transition_covariance=transition_covariance, transition_matrices=transition_matrix ) pred_state, state_cov = kf.smooth(observations)
The results:
To be fair: this is quite artificial. Being able to make a prediction with variance ≈0.0 isn't realistic.
In real-world data, a well-configured Kalman filter can still be astonishingly good.
The problem? Getting all of the the parameters right.
# swapped negation on delta_x values... transition_matrix = [[1, -delta_x], [+delta_x, 1]]
The \(\mathbf{F}_k\) or transition_matrix
says what you predict the next value will be, based on the current value(s).
This is often a fairly bad prediction: if you could predict the outcome, why are we measuring anything? Still, we do our best and let it guide the results.
The \(\mathbf{R}\) or observation_covariance
matrix expresses what you think about the error in the observations.
Lower values → less sensor error assumed → observations have more effect on the result → more noise.
Higher values → ⋯ → less noise.
The \(\mathbf{Q}\) or transition_covariance
says what you think about the error in your prediction. Assuming the prediction is fairly smooth…
Lower values → less prediction error assumed → prediction has more effect on the result → less noise.
Higher values → ⋯ → more noise.
In either case, my advice is:
usualamount of error you expect. How far off would the measurement/prediction have to be before you're surprised? That's \(\sigma\). Put \(\sigma^2\) in the covariance matrix.
There are several other paramaters to a Kalman filter that we haven't talked about: the gain (\(\mathbf{K}\)) and control inputs (\(\mathbf{B}_k\)).
It's also possible to make a less-constrained prediction with an unscented Kalman filter, where the prediction can be an arbitrary function (not just a matrix multiplication).
Kalman filtering is magical if you understand how the system works, and can get the parameters right.
LOESS is magical if you have a lot of samples: you don't have to figure out a lot of parameters and still get really good results.
If you have a lot of data and sane noise levels, LOESS is easier.
… but the Kalman filter may still be better.
There are many other filtering algorithms. They are generally based on keeping/removing frequencies you're interested in: that's particularly good if the signal you're interested in is somewhat periodic.
Low-pass: keep the low frequencies; discard the high.
High-pass: keep the high frequencies; discard the low.
e.g. Suppose you're walking (∼1 Hz) and your phone vibrates (∼200 Hz) in your pocket. A low-pass filter would keep the signal from your walking; a high-pass filter would keep the phone vibration.
It depends what signal you're interested in.
Random noise will add high frequency signals
to the sample: if we can get rid of exactly those, it'll be awesome.
There are several filtering methods implemented in scipy.signal.
How do you choose between them? Good question. The Butterworth filter seems like a common choice, so let's try it…
An order 3 Butterworth filter that keeps frequencies < 0.1 (i.e. > 10 samples/cycle) seems to get rid of all of the noise in this case.
from scipy import signal b, a = signal.butter(3, 0.1, btype='lowpass', analog=False) low_passed = signal.filtfilt(b, a, noisy_signal)
If you keep frequencies too high, some of the noise will get through:
If you filter too much, you can lose frequencies that are real signal:
For noise filtering, there's probably a fairly wide range of parameter values that give good results.