NoSQL & Cassandra

CMPT 732, Fall 2023

The Problem

So far, we have HDFS to store “files” but no way to read or write records: specifically-selected subsets of our data set that we can get at quickly.

That's usually the job of a database.

The Problem

For big data, we need a database that will split the storage & queries across many nodes.

But full ACID guarantees are much harder in a distributed system where there is no central controller. Also, some operations are going to be hard in a distributed database…

Some DB Operations

  • SELECT: easy. Each node can find the data it has. Calculation on data can be done locally.
  • INSERT, DELETE: easy. Decide which node(s) should store that record and operate on it there.
  • GROUP BY, JOIN: hard. Will require a lot of records from different (parts of different) tables. Leads to lots of network traffic.

We (probably) need something simpler than a traditional SQL database.

Non-Relational Databases

or NoSQL databases.

Motivated by the need for distributed databases: simplified data model, operations limited to what can be distributed efficiently.

e.g. Cassandra, CouchDB, Mongo, Redis, HBase.

NoSQL Limitations

There are many different technologies described as “NoSQL” but we generally have to give up some/most of:

  • Some ACID guarantees.
  • Consistency from CAP.
  • Shuffling operations: JOIN, GROUP BY.
  • SQL as the query language.

NoSQL Limitations

In exchange, we get:

  • Can scale-out across a distributed cluster.
  • Volume and Velocity.
  • Maybe Variety (because of flexible schemas).


We will be using the Cassandra database. It's not the only non-relational database that makes sense for big data, but it's a good one.

  • Distributed and decentralized: no node is in control, so no single point of failure.
  • Non-relational: some concepts carry over from SQL, but not all. Specifically, no JOIN, very restricted GROUP BY.
  • Fault tolerant: data is replicated, so hardware failure can be handled gracefully.


The usual Cassandra setup is to have n nodes each acting as part of the cluster. They coordinate with each other and decide how to partition the data so it's evenly distributed and redundant.

A client can (initially) connect to any of them to make queries.


If we have many independent database nodes, it seems like a good match for YARN's many independent workers.

And it is: it's natural to create a MapReduce/​Spark job that reads or writes Cassandra data. Each worker can read/​write to a Cassandra node to distribute the load. The worker and database could even be on the same machine.

Cassandra Data Model

A Cassandra cluster has many keyspaces. Each keyspace has many tables.

A table is what you expect: columns of data; rows that have a cell for each column; columns have a fixed type; a primary key determinies how the data is organized.

Cassandra Data Model

The keyspace is a container for some tables but also…

A keyspace has rules about how it's replicated: can be a simple replication factor, or a description of how many replicas should be in each datacentre around the world.

Cassandra Data Model

For example, in the cqlsh shell:

   ... { 'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 3 };
cqlsh> USE demo;
cqlsh:demo> CREATE TABLE test (
        ... i1 INT, i2 INT, data TEXT,
        ... PRIMARY KEY (i1,i2) );

In this keyspace, every row will be replicated on three nodes.

Cassandra Data Model

The first component of the primary key is the partition key. It controls which node(s) store the record. Records with the same partition key will all be on the same nodes.

We had PRIMARY KEY (i1,i2), so i1 is the partition key. Any records with the same i1 will be stored on the same nodes.

Cassandra Data Model

The primary key has to be unique: (i1,i2) must be unique for each row.

The first part of the primary key controls how data is partitioned: i1.

The primary key has two roles: unique row identifier, and decider of data partitioning.

Cassandra Data Model

Some of the data types you can have in Cassandra columns are what you'd expect: INT, BIGINT, BLOB, DATE, TEXT=VARCHAR.

Some you might not: LIST<t>, SET<t>, MAP<t,u>.


Cassandra's query language is CQL. It is not entirely unlike SQL.

Basically: it's as much like SQL as possible, while expressing Cassandra's semantics. We saw CREATE TABLE, which looks familiar.


Inserting and selecting seems to work the way you'd expect:

cqlsh:demo> INSERT INTO test (i1,i2,data) VALUES (1,2,'aaa');
cqlsh:demo> INSERT INTO test (i1,i2,data) VALUES (2,3,'bbb');
cqlsh:demo> SELECT * FROM test;

 i1 | i2 | data
  1 |  2 |  aaa
  2 |  3 |  bbb


… and it works like you'd expect, right up until it doesn't.

cqlsh:demo> SELECT * FROM test WHERE i1=1;

 i1 | i2 | data
  1 |  2 |  aaa

cqlsh:demo> SELECT * FROM test WHERE i2=2;
InvalidRequest: Error from server: code=2200 [Invalid query]
message=Cannot execute this query as it might involve data
filtering and thus may have unpredictable performance. If you
want to execute this query despite the performance
unpredictability, use ALLOW FILTERING


Even though i2 is part of the primary key, we haven't filtered by i1, so WHERE i2=2 implies a full table scan.

The primary key determines the layout of data on the nodes/​disk. Accessing data in any other way is potentially very expensive.

cqlsh:demo> SELECT * FROM test WHERE i2=2 ALLOW FILTERING;

 i1 | i2 | data
  1 |  2 |  aaa


CQL INSERT isn't really an insert: it's “insert or update by primary key”. Since we had PRIMARY KEY (i1,i2):

cqlsh:demo> INSERT INTO test (i1,i2,data) VALUES (1,2,'ccc');
cqlsh:demo> SELECT * FROM test;

 i1 | i2 | data
  1 |  2 |  ccc
  2 |  3 |  bbb

(2 rows)


That implies that primary keys must be unique. Sometimes the easiest way around that is to just use a UUID.

cqlsh:demo> CREATE TABLE test2 ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, data TEXT );
cqlsh:demo> INSERT INTO test2 (id,data) VALUES (UUID(), 'ddd');
cqlsh:demo> INSERT INTO test2 (id,data) VALUES (UUID(), 'eee');
cqlsh:demo> SELECT * FROM test2;

 id                                   | data
 403b9c83-fc57-4df4-a79b-d32fa66003fd |  ddd
 aefdcb9e-8d0c-4fee-9d12-5a2f2b12ecb6 |  eee

(2 rows)


You can GROUP BY in CQL, but must include the partition key. This allows aggregation to happen locally on each node, with no data shuffling.

This was added in Cassandra 3.10. [Our cluster is running 4.0.6.]

Fault Tolerance

The replication factor in the keyspace lets Cassandra handle failures.

… and recover gracefully from failures of nodes or networks.

Fault Tolerance

Copies of the data are made according to replication settings (3 here, with first field as partition key):

Fault Tolerance

If n-1 nodes fail, we can still read and write data.

For writes, live nodes storing that partition key do the write; others catch up when they are back.

Fault Tolerance

If the cluster partitions, we may still be able to read/​write.

… datacentre-aware replication will help.

Fault Tolerance

If there are writes, data will be inconsistent during the partition.

Again, writes will catch up when nodes can communicate.

Fault Tolerance

What happens to conflicting writes during a partition?

Fault Tolerance

Every cell in Cassandra has a timestamp: when it was inserted/​updated.

cqlsh:demo> SELECT data, WRITETIME(data) FROM test;

 data | writetime(data)
  ccc | 1508624881598411
  bbb | 1508624823229052

(2 rows)

Most-recent timestamp wins if there's a consistency question.


This means that Cassandra has eventual consistency: the data will be consistent, but with some delay.

Usually the delay will be short (network latency + milli­seconds). If there's a network partition, it will be longer (after communication is restored).


When the cluster had failed nodes or a partition, we may still be able to read/​write. May?

Cassandra gives us a choice of how consistent we demand to be with our reads and writes. We can have different requirements for consistency for each session/​query.


The levels of consistency let you be very expressive about your requirements.

With the cluster partitioned, we would expect:

cqlsh:demo> CONSISTENCY ONE;
cqlsh:demo> SELECT * FROM test WHERE id=3; -- succeeds
cqlsh:demo> CONSISTENCY ALL;
cqlsh:demo> SELECT * FROM test WHERE id=3; -- fails


There are many options. For SELECT/​read operations:

  • ONE: any one node (with each record) can tell us.
  • TWO: any two nodes (with each record) can tell us.
  • LOCAL_QUORUM: >half of the nodes in this data centre with that data must respond.
  • QUORUM: >half of nodes with that data must respond.
  • ALL: every node with that data must respond.

Which you choose will depend how much consistency you want to wait for.


For INSERT/​UPDATE/​write operations to succeed/​return:

  • ONE: any one node must write.
  • TWO: any two nodes must write.
  • LOCAL_QUORUM: >half in this data centre that will store the data must write.
  • QUORUM: >half of nodes that will store must write
  • EACH_QUORUM: >half in every data centre.
  • ALL: every node that will store this record must write.


Which consistency level you choose will likely depend on the application.

Cassandra gives the choice of “real” consistency if you need it (and are willing to trade working while partitioned), or you can trade speed for a low probability of data loss.

Relational Data

Since Cassandra has no JOIN operation, working with relational data is going to be tricky. We have lots of experience building tables that are related by foreign keys and joining them.

That was a good way to model lots of kinds of data, and a convenient way to work with it. Sadly, we have to give it up to easily do distributed computation.

Relational Data

If we have relational data, there are now several options to deal with it.

  • Join the data in our programming language.
  • Make a bunch of queries to get the data we need.
  • Reshape the data so it can be efficiently queried with Cassandra.

Denormalizing Data

One common trick: abandon data normalization, and have more than one copy of a particular fact.

The goal is to have the data you need right there, with the other data you're about to query.

Denormalizing Data

Example: the usual thing in a relational database would be to join these tables to produce a class list. *

CourseGradeStudent #
CMPT 123B-400000123
CMPT 123A400000124
CMPT 189C-400000124
Student #Name
400000123Vivian Hine
400000124Charles Haydon

Denormalizing Data

If joins are impossible/​expensive and we know we need to produce class lists often, we could store the table as:

CourseGradeStudent #Name
CMPT 123B-400000123Vivian Hine
CMPT 123A400000124Charles Haydon
CMPT 189C-400000124Charles Haydon

Denormalizing Data

Denormalizing the data effectively requires that we know ahead of time what queries we will perform. (e.g. if we didn't need to produce class lists, that structure would be stupid.)

When updating data, we have to be careful to update every instance of it. That could be very tricky.

Denormalizing Data

Lesson: denormalizing data is a bad idea. But sometimes it's the least-bad idea available.