Stylesheets and CSS

CMPT 165, Fall 2019

Stylesheets and CSS

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are a language for giving style information to web pages.

That is, after creating content in HTML, we will give information about what each piece of content should look like by using CSS. Using semantic markup in HTML should make it possible to worry about these two things separately.

CSS Basics

CSS files are also text files, and saved with a .css extension.

A first example that we'll save as style.css:

li {
  font-style: italic;
  color: grey;

CSS Basics

Then in our HTML, in the <head>, add:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />

The href is a URL to the CSS: usually a relative URL, but could be absolute.

If we reload the HTML page, each <li> should change to grey, italic text.

CSS Basics

li {
  font-style: italic;
  color: grey;

Parts of that CSS rule:

  • li: the selector. What are we changing the appearance of? This selects all <li> elements.

CSS Basics

li {
  font-style: italic;
  color: grey;
  • font-style and color: the property, the thing being changed.
  • italic and grey: the value for the property.

CSS Basics

A CSS file can contains many rules like this, each changing different elements. Let's add another and see what happens:

h1 {
  text-decoration: underline;
  text-align: center;


Like with HTML, a CSS reference will be the place to go to find all selectors, properties and how they are used. But there are a few you'll likely need…


The font-style property can be italic or normal. We saw it used for <li>s above. Or we could change the way text is emphasized:

em {
  font-style: normal;
  color: red;


The font-weight property can be bold or normal. Maybe that would be a better way to present emphasis.

em {
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: bold;


The text-align property is used for text justification: left, right, center, justify (for full-justification).

p {
  text-align: justify;


The color property is used to set the text colour. Values can be built-in colour words (see the CSS reference) or a colour code (later).

h1 {
  color: rebeccapurple;
h2 {
  color: crimson;


The background-color property sets the colour behind the text.

strong {
  font-weight: normal;
  color: white;
  background-color: darkred;


The font-family property sets the text font.

You don't know the fonts users will have available: give a list of options and the first that's available will be used. The list must end with one of the five generic font families: every browser should have those.


I might start a stylesheet like this:

body {
  font-family: "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif; 
code {
  font-family: "Lucida Console", "Monaco", monospace; 

This indicates: Helvetica if available, Arial of not, any sans serif font if not. Except <code> elements, which are in an appropriate monospace font.


The five generic font families are:

  • serif: Serif in Wikipedia
  • sans-serif: no serifs
  • cursive: something curly or joined
  • fantasy: something decorative or weird
  • monospace: every letter the same width


See something like for collections of similar-looking fonts with good compatibility.


The border-style, border-width, and border-color properties affect the border of an element: line type, line width, line colour. There is also a border shorthand where you can set all three.


These do the same things to level 1 and 2 headings:

h1 {
  border-width: thin;
  border-style: dashed;
  border-color: red;
h2 {
  border: dashed thin red;


There are many more CSS properties.

We will talk about a few more, and see the CSS reference for all the details.

CSS Box Model

The way CSS boxes are arranged needs a little explanation. Suppose we have a <h2>Element Contents</h2>. The parts of the layout are:

CSS box model

CSS Box Model

An element's padding is inside the border/background colour. It's margin is outside.

That means that the margin and padding look the same if you have no border or background: it can be tricky to figure out what's happening.

The padding, margin, and border can be different for all four sides.

CSS Box Model

The width and height properties might not mean the obvious thing: I usually imagine them including the padding and border, but they don't.

But that can be changed with the box-sizing property, if you want to specify widths/​heights including the padding and border.

CSS Box Model

Let's try some of that…

blockquote {
  border: thin solid grey;
  background-color: silver;
  padding: 0.25em;
  margin: 1em 2em;

CSS Units

There are several length units that can be used for margins, border width, font size, etc. These take a little explanation…

CSS Units

There are physical length units: cm, mm, in, pt (= 1/72 inch), etc.

These work, but if the user zooms in or out, these also scale so no longer really match their apparent meaning.

This has style width: 1in. Is it one inch wide on your screen? 1in

CSS Units

A px is one pixel on the device's display. Except when it isn't: on high resolution displays, it might be two or three real pixels. If the user zooms in/out, 1px will be larger/​smaller.

Specifying px can be useful if you're leaving space for an image, which is inherently pixel-sized.

CSS Units

The vh and vw units are 1% of the height and width of the viewport: the part of the window where the <body> is displayed.

Useful occasionally if you want to size things relative to the window: one element width: 25vw and another width: 75vw.

CSS Units

One em is the font size of the element you're changing.

One rem is font size of the <html>. This doesn't change if you're talking about <p> or <h1> or <h2>

These scale sensibly and makes sense on different sized displays, and say what they mean.

CSS Units

Result: em is usually my first choice for any length.

Maybe rem for something that applies to many different things, or px for image-sized boxes.

CSS Selectors

So far, we have only selected (all instances of) tags: the CSS selector abbr affects all <abbr>s on the page.

CSS Selectors

We can select by class with a period. These select any <span class="quantity"> and any tag with class="optional":

span.quantity {
  font-weight: bold;
.optional {
  font-style: italic;
  color: grey;

CSS Selectors

We can also select by id with a #. For example, this will change all <p id="servings"> and anything with id="first":

p#servings {
  color: red;
#first {
  font-size: larger;

CSS Selectors

The class and id selectors give us much more flexibility in formatting our page.

If you want some <p> (for example) to be visually different, first decide why and give a meaningful class or id. Then select by class/​id in your CSS and make the change.

We can keep semantically-meaningful markup but actually get everything looking the way we want.

CSS Selectors

We can be even more specific in what we select, without having to add class or id values.

It's possible to select either one tag anywhere inside another (descendant) or a tag directly inside another (child).

CSS Selectors

The descendant selector is a space. This changes <em> if they're inside an <h2>:

h2 em {
  font-style: normal;
  text-decoration: underline;
  background-color: silver;

This would change both words Selectors here:

<h2>Example <em>Selectors</em></h2>
<h2>Example <a href="…"><em>Selectors</em></a></h2>

CSS Selectors

The child selector is a greater-than: >, like this:

h2>em {
  color: red;

That would select only the first word Selectors, because the second <em> is immediately inside <a>, not <h2>.

<h2>Example <em>Selectors</em></h2>
<h2>Example <a href="…"><em>Selectors</em></a></h2>

CSS Selectors

The child selector can be useful when you want be specific about the structure around the thing you're selecting. For example, changing the bullets for unordered lists:

ul>li {
    list-style-type: square;

CSS Selectors

That CSS (selecting ul>li) will correctly change only the <ul>, not the <ol> that happens to be inside it.

        List item with an ordered list.

Selecting ul li would change both.

CSS Selectors

There are also pseudo-class selectors, which target elements in a particular state that the browser can figure out for us.

e.g. different background colour for every other table row (<tr>): zebra stripes.

tr:nth-child(even) {
  background-color: white;
tr:nth-child(odd) {
  background-color: silver;

CSS Selectors

e.g. these four for links, depending on their state:

a:link {
  color: blue;
a:visited {
  color: purple;
a:active {
  color: red;
a:hover {
  color: darkblue;

CSS Selectors

Also, pseudo-elements, which are parts of the page the browser can automatically identify and we can modify, almost like a <span> or something was magically inserted.

e.g. target just the text on the first line of a paragraph:

p::first-line {
  font-variant: small-caps;

CSS Selectors

Or only the first line of the first paragraph (within the <body> or a <section>):

p:first-of-type::first-line {
  font-variant: small-caps;

Or only the first line in the first paragraph of a top-level section:

body>section>p:first-of-type::first-line {
  font-variant: small-caps;

Colours in CSS

We have seen a few places we can give a colour in CSS: color, background-color, border-color. The colour words are easy, but limited.

Colours can also be specified numerically…

Colours in CSS

You may be most used to mixing colours in paint or pigments.

These use the CYM or subtractive colour model. The primary colours are cyan, yellow, and magenta (but your kindergarten teacher might have called them blue, yellow, and red).

Colours in CSS

Subtractive colours start with white, and light is subtracted from there to get the colour you want. image from WikiMedia Commons

subtractive colour model

Colours in CSS

But colours on computer screens have different rules. They start with black and add light to brighten: the RGB or the additive colour model.

Colours in CSS

With additive colours, the primary colours are red, green, and blue. image from WikiMedia Commons

additive colour model

Colours in CSS

Colours in CSS are (usually) specified with RGB colour. We are essentially directly indicating how the display should illuminate: how much of red/​green/​blue light should be added to the (black) screen.

Colours in CSS

Each of the R, G, and B values is specified on this scale, from darkest (0) to lightest (f):

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f

Give the primary colour levels in RGB order, starting with a #, so #000 is the darkest-possible colour: black.

Colours in CSS

Some basics:

  • #000: black #000
  • #f00: red #f00
  • #0f0: green #0f0
  • #00f: blue #00f
  • #fff: white #fff

Colours in CSS

We can use the 0 to f scale to blend colours together.

e.g. part way between black (#000) and red (#f00) is #800. Probably dark red. #800

e.g. between blue (#00f) and white (#fff) is #aaf. Probably light blue. #aaf

Colours in CSS

Try the Interactive Colour Mixer in the Study Guide, or maybe Colorizer to experiment with how the colour codes afffect what you see.

Colours in CSS

The secondary RGB colours (combinations of the primaries) might not be obvious.

  • #0ff: green + blue = cyan. #0ff
  • #f0f: red + blue = magenta. #f0f
  • #ff0: red + green = yellow. #ff0

Colours in CSS

But if you know the secondary colours, mixing makes some sense again.

e.g. orange is probably between red (#f00) and yellow (#ff0). Guess (#f70). #f70

Colours in CSS

You may see six-character colour codes in CSS as well, like #f7c308. Either style can be used anywhere a colour value is required.

To convert a three-character colour to six, double the characters: #f40 = #ff4400.

#f40 #ff4400

Colours in CSS

To convert six to three (approximately), take the first character of each pair: #f7c308#fc0.

#f7c308 #fc0

Colours in CSS

You can use other colour notations as well: see the CSS colour reference for details.

hsl(120, 100%, 40%) hsl(120, 100%, 80%) salmon lightseagreen rgb(178, 133, 224)

Browser Compatibility

Remember that the HTML + CSS that you create is sent to the web browser of whoever views your page. Their browser is responsible for displaying it.

How will it do that? It can be hard to know.

Browser Compatibility

We need some way to ensure that our pages will look okay everywhere, including different browsers (including older browsers), screen sizes, operating systems, etc.

Browser Compatibility

First, follow the rules: HTML and CSS were designed with this in mind.

Create valid HTML and CSS so it will be understood everywhere.

Use the built-in compatibility features, like generic fonts for font-family.

Browser Compatibility

HTML features are well supported, but there can also be differences in the way browsers handle CSS properties. Good references have info on what works in what browser versions.

e.g. font-style was an original CSS property and works in every browser.

e.g. grid (and friends) weren't supported in IE/Edge until Edge version 16 (late 2017).

Browser Compatibility

Can you use the grid properties in CSS? It depends on your audience and how much compatibility you want to ensure.

It has 94% compatibility on is that enough? If using it makes your site prettier, I'd say okay. If it's necessary for it to be usable, I might say no.

Browser Compatibility

The lesson: if discovering CSS properties, you have to have a quick look at the compatibility table in the reference to decide if they're really usable.

Browser Styles

As you work with CSS, you will start to notice differences in the default styles between browsers.

e.g. Is the size of the <h2> font the same in all browsers? Are you sure?

There are a couple of ways to deal with this so you get a consistent appearance everywhere…

Browser Styles

A reset stylesheet will clear all of the browser's default style rules: no more <em> is italics, <h2> is a larger font, etc.

Once you have a consistent nothing styled stylesheet to start with, you can build from there.

Browser Styles

You will probably start with the reset CSS (in a separate file) and then add your own from there:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="reset.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="my_style.css" />

In my_style.css, you might have rules like:

h2 {
  font-size: 1.5em;
  font-weight: bold;
em {
  font-style: italic;

Browser Styles

My experience: working with a reset CSS is tedious: you have to specify that <ul> is a bulleted list, <a> has an underline, <code> is monospaced, and dozens of others.

But it's kind of nice to think about these things: did you really want <em> to be italics, or is there something better for your site?

Browser Styles

The other option for getting a consistent starting point is to let somebody else specify every property that might be different between browsers.

That's the strategy of Normalize.css: specify every inconsistent CSS setting in browser default styles, so they end up being the same everywhere.

Using normalize.css and adding your own style is probably easier than a full reset.

Different Browsers

All of these tools are good, but are no substitute for actually testing your site in different situations and seeing how it works.

Different Browsers

Bare minimum must-do: resize your browser window. Different people have different screen/​window sizes. Of course, your site should adapt to them well (within reason).

Shrinking your browser window until it's about the size of phone screen isn't exactly the same as seeing it on a phone, but it's a good first step.

Different Browsers

Try different browsers: Firefox, Chrome, IE/Edge. They are mostly compatible, but the occasional difference can cause problems.

Try a mobile device. You're probably developing (and therefore, usually testing) on a full-sized screen, but a lot of your viewers will be on phones.

Different Browsers

You can't be completely sure what will happen if somebody comes along with an old browser version, limited font availability, and a huge display, but you can do your best to make sure different situations will be okay.

Development Tools

When your HTML and CSS get complicated, it can get tricky to figure out how the parts of your page fit together.

Web browsers give us a bunch of tools to help. [They are roughly the same in Firefox and Chrome: everything here should be more-or-less the same in both.]

Development Tools

The most direct way to see the page you're looking at: you can view the HTML source. Press control-U or ⌥⌘U or right-click and select View Page Source.

This shows you the HTML that was sent from the server, not any modifications made by JavaScript after that. [We will see that happen later in the course.]

Development Tools

Much more powerful: the browser's developer tools. Press F12 or control-shift-I or ⌥⌘I.

Development Tools

In the Inspector tab, you can explore the page, its elements, and how they fit together.

To the right, the Rules or Styles tab shows the CSS rules that actually apply to that element, and which file they're from.

Development Tools

You can disable/​enable specific CSS rules by clicking, or edit to experiment. These aren't saved (reloading the page reverts everything), but you can easily try a few changes out to see if you like them.

In the Layout/​Box Model tab, you can see the element's box model layout after everything was computed (in pixels, because that's what the browser is actually putting on the screen).

Development Tools

Also, in the Network tab, you can see details of what HTML and CSS (and images and any other resources) got loaded.

You can see the time everything took, and start to diagnose slow pages. The total time should probably be a few seconds at most.

Development Tools

One more tool worth knowing about: Emmet, which is a plug-in for many text editors.

The idea: you type a CSS selector (like p), press the Emmet hot-key (Tab in my editor), and it replaces it with the corresponding HTML (like <p></p>).

Development Tools

It's a great way to save keystrokes.

li.optional<li class="optional"></li>
a<a href=""></a>

HTML + CSS: Review

We have now worked with two languages for two distinct purposes…

HTML + CSS: Review

HTML for content: here, we worry about the meaning/​purpose/​role of each piece of content, not the way it looks (semantics) and choose tags with that in mind.

We can use the class or id attributes (with meaningful values) to fine-tune the meaning of tags if necessary. If no other HTML tag matches our content, we can use <div> or <span> and a class/id.

HTML + CSS: Review

And we have CSS for appearance. We can modify the way elements look on our pages: keep appearance-related stuff in the CSS: don't let it leak into your HTML.

That might include going back to the HTML and adding some (meaningful) class/id attributes so we can be more specific.

HTML + CSS: Review

We will be adding a third language next: JavaScript for behaviour. Again, this will be a separate language (in a separate file) for the distinct role.

HTML + CSS: Review

Why are we separating these?

It's easier to work on content and design separately. Those might be handled by different people, or by you at different times. We can also modify the appearance of all pages in a site by fiddling with one CSS file.

HTML + CSS: Review

We could also create different CSS for different situations.

e.g. separate rules for small screens where we want to organize the information differently; or separate rules for print vs screen display; or slides vs printable corse notes.

e.g. we could take the same (HTML) content and re-purpose it into an e-book (with some additional work).