Introduction to the Internet and the World Wide Web
Course web site: in CourSys, . You'll find all of the course materials (including these slides) there.
Instructor: Greg Baker <[email protected]>.
Office hours in TASC1 9229:
TAs: Anurag Bejju and Pourya Vaziri.
Office hours: TBA.
Email [email protected]
for help, not Greg or the TAs directly.
The course is an overview of the technologies behind the WWW. Major topics we'll cover:
The Study Guide will be the primary reference.
It was written for online offerings, so it's a fairly complete coverage of the course material. I may diverge a little.
Software you need is all free: see Study Guide for links.
Things you will do to get grades…
Weekly Exercises: 12 × 1% = 12%. They are due every Friday (starting week 2). Designed to be short and exercise fundamental ideas.
Assignments: 4 × 4.5% = 18%.
These are longer and intended to integrate the ideas from the lectures/​exercises.
Midterm Exam: 20%. In lecture time, October 23.
Final Exam: 50%. As scheduled (December 4, 3:30–6:30). Cumulative.
For both exams, you are allowed a one page (8.5×11″), single sided, hand-written cheat sheet.
All together:
To get credit for this course, I expect you to demonstrate that you know the basic ideas of the course. That means passing both the assignments (where you apply the concepts) and exams (where we can see you). Failing either may result in failing the course.
Your work should be your own: exercises and assignments are not group work, should not based on somebody else's “template”, work a tutor did for you, etc.
If you work with somebody else, we shouldn't be able to tell from the results.
Academic dishonesty cases will be dealt with according to University policy.