

I feel like I should say something as a conclusion to the course.


There are fundamentally two distinct audiences to CMPT 120: those heading toward CS-like programs, and those here for breadth.


For the CS-adjacent: there's a lot to be added to what was covered in 120. CS is a big (and rapidly growing) discipline.

My advice: look through the available 300- and 400-level courses. Look at paths through the prerequisites you need to get to the ones you are most interested in.


For those outside of CS programs: there's a lot of value in being the one person around who isn't scared of code or a text editor.

Even with a fraction of what was covered in this course, you can get a lot done with a little basic programming: automating tasks, data analysis, etc. There are a lot of useful libraries that you can combine with minimal programming to get a lot of useful stuff done.

Administrative Things

The final exam will be whenever/​wherever the Registrar scheduled it.

Cumulative, 3 hours. Overall format similar to the quizzes.

My target length is <3× a quiz.